bb4412: Dervish Chilli Dance.
bb4412: 75. Pock-marked Mother Chen's beancurd(ma po dou fu).
bb4412: 76. A (very humble) tribute to Edward Weston.
bb4412: 103. Paella
bb4412: 112. Recuerdos de España.
bb4412: 122. Essence of Tomato.
bb4412: 126. Shuijiao (水餃).
bb4412: 129. Berejena con miel.
bb4412: 140. Baby Bay.
bb4412: Artichoke, monochrome.
bb4412: 147. Borscht, with a swirl of sour cream.
bb4412: Veronicas Market, Murcia.
bb4412: 148. Roasting Red Pepper, with a Blow torch!
bb4412: 154. Hummus, with a drizzle of olive oil.
bb4412: 155. Canteloupe.
bb4412: 160. Red Delicious.
bb4412: 163. Spoons.
bb4412: 176. Grinding by Hand.
bb4412: 178. Rub me too.
bb4412: 179. Caramelise.
bb4412: 180. Pan roasting.
bb4412: 182. Ingredients.
bb4412: 184. Hot home Oak smoked salmon.
bb4412: Smokin'
bb4412: 185. Strawberry.
bb4412: 186. Pock-marked Mother Chen's beancurd(- ma po dou fu) 麻婆豆腐.
bb4412: 196. Trio of chilled summer soups.
bb4412: 198. Tofu, Miso , 3 'shroom soup.
bb4412: Duckling.
bb4412: Macerating