BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Thank you for your order, now pet me.
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: I can type 70 cats per minute.
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Rise and shine, pork belly!
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Fuzzy Biscuit.
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: It's a trap. Must ignore the soft fuzzy underbelly.
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Kickin' back with Mr. Biscuit.
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Still life with cat.
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: New Mayfair filter.
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Somebody is really happy we are home. Mr. Biscuit seems pleased as well.
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: I know you don't feel good so I'm here to sit on you and make you better.
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Hi -- How are ya'
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Mr. Biscuit hasn't left me alone for 5 minutes since we got back. Almost time to go get the dog now.
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Watching for hummingbirds. #CatsOfTheInternet
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Mr. B loves his box.
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: The cat is sleeping with its eyes open and it's kinda freakin' me out.
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Coffee table kitty had a long day.
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Window cat is smellin' your fresh air.
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: I will hug you and squeeze you and call you Biscuit.
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Watch the birdie!
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Momma needs a hug -- who's it gonna be?
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Headless lump.
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Adorable yet deadly.
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Mr. Biscuit
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Soft kitty, warm kitty, giant glob of fur.
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Window kitty sends salutations.
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: One of these things is not like the other.
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: Sittin' and watchin' the game with Mr. Biscuit.
BayRoadPhoto/Laura: You cannot resist the fuzzy belly. It is not a trap. You cannot resist the fuzzy belly.