Bay Area Discovery Museum: Check out the tree at the San Francisco Symphony this holiday season!
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Space ship! Reminds us of the Endeavor over the Bridge
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Harrison braved the ladder to help hang decorations in difficult places
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Lisa lends a hand
Bay Area Discovery Museum: The Art Studios were busy this fall creating a trove of decorations
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Karyn's sons helped decorate the tree
Bay Area Discovery Museum: One of our favorites "Fung Violin"
Bay Area Discovery Museum: So many decorations!
Bay Area Discovery Museum: We had the best view!
Bay Area Discovery Museum: All of these great decorations were made in our Art Studio
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Executive Director and CEO, Karyn Flynn gives us a hand
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Our fearless leader showing us the way to the top!
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Trimming the hard to reach places
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Beautifully made decoration in such a beautiful setting with such beautiful ladies!
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Karyn's son was our biggest helper!
Bay Area Discovery Museum: It was a collaborative effort with a few brave souls going up the rickety ladder
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Our Art Program Atelierista, Danni, helping to hang the high ones
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Staff coming together to decorate the tree
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Hanging the ornaments high
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Julia shows off some of the ornaments
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Director of Educational Content and Programming, Amparo Leyman Pino helps out
Bay Area Discovery Museum: What a fun day!
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Look! A little dog for the little house!
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Time to reinforce this structure
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Skillfully crafting her house
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Quick! Take a bite before any sees.
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Sometimes simplicity is best.
Bay Area Discovery Museum: What a beautiful roof pattern!
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Ooohhh... what should I do next!?