Bay Area Discovery Museum: It's so much fun!
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Parachute storm
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Bubbles blowin' in the wind
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Jump Jump Jump!
Bay Area Discovery Museum: All smiles by making mud stew to paint the tree with!
Bay Area Discovery Museum: It's even more fun to be underneath!
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Parachute is always a favorite
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Going for a wagon ride
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Hula Hooping under the Bridge
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Can I catch a ride?
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Around and around they go
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Going for a ride in the wagon!
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Fun day in the field with the parachute
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Who has the treasure?
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Yo ho Yo ho! Singing their pirate anthem
Bay Area Discovery Museum: ARG! Pirate posse!
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Rockin' the Pirate look
Bay Area Discovery Museum: It's been a long day for this pirate
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Camp Counselors
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Showing off their booty
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Creating treasure maps of their own
Bay Area Discovery Museum: They found the treasure!
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Lookin' for the treasure
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Where oh where does this treasure map lead?
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Scouring across the land in search of treasure
Bay Area Discovery Museum: Maybe these will help us find it!