BAVC: Digital Pathways 3D Gaming Instructor Mohammed Allababidi is ready to do this.
BAVC: Digital Pathways Audio B Instructor Chris Runde isn't normally this intense. Except when he's lecturing on frequency and amplitude.
BAVC: Healthy snacks!
BAVC: Hana (Audio A) appreciates a good donut.
BAVC: Omar (Open Source) has mixed feelings about this strawberry.
BAVC: Samantha (Audio A).
BAVC: Alex (left) alongside Jesus. (Audio B)
BAVC: Jed (Audio B). Peacoats and hoodies all day long.
BAVC: Niko (Audio B) has absolutely no problem with you taking a picture. But you better take it right.
BAVC: Malcolm (Audio B) keeps it rocking.
BAVC: Malcolm (Audio B) sees exactly what's going on here.
BAVC: Cecily and Jessica (3D Gaming) showcase the snack selection.
BAVC: The elusive Madan Rana (Open Source).
BAVC: Aress (Audio B) has it in the bag.
BAVC: Ian Davis + Cookie
BAVC: Danielle (Audio A) C's U.
BAVC: Naomi! "You're not on my list. Wait...who are you again?"
BAVC: Naomi!
BAVC: Danielle (Audio A)
BAVC: They got your number.
BAVC: Instructors Ian Davis (Audio A) + Quinn Gibson (Audio B). Cookin', son.
BAVC: Directors caught raiding the snacks! Leave some for the children!!!
BAVC: Directors Naomi Kawamura + Moriah Ulinskas!
BAVC: BUMP Records Marketing Manager Felice Archbold!
BAVC: Jennifer and Chelsea (Open Source).
BAVC: Audio A students!
BAVC: Oba (3D Gaming) holding down the manga in the foreground. Omar (Open Source) looking skeptical in the back.
BAVC: Chris R. and Malcolm Malgha (Audio B). Good times.
BAVC: Chris Runde!
BAVC: Cheeeeeezzzze! Breanna and Hana (Audio A).