BAVC: Running from the T-Rex
BAVC: Outside Google
BAVC: Rehearsing for the Skit
BAVC: Rehearsing for the Skit
BAVC: Playing in the Tech Playground
BAVC: Entering the Conference Room
BAVC: Entering the Conference Room
BAVC: Meeting James Paul Gee
BAVC: Meeting James Paul Gee
BAVC: Tech Playground Skit
BAVC: Tech Playground Skit
BAVC: Tech Playground Skit
BAVC: Tech Playground
BAVC: Tech Playground
BAVC: Tech Playground
BAVC: Receiving Buttons in the Tech Playground
BAVC: Finishing Up
BAVC: Receiving Gift Bags!
BAVC: Receiving Gift Bags!
BAVC: Next Gen at THE Googleplex
BAVC: Next Gen at THE Googleplex
BAVC: Next Gen at THE Googleplex