baudman : My Brompton M6L Raw (b)Lacquer at Rapha Melbourne
baudman : Brompton at Rapha Melbourne
baudman : Reflecting on Bromptons - Melbourne
baudman : Bromptons outside Melbourne Exhibition Centre
baudman : Reflections in Jeff's Shed
baudman : Bromptons (and others) upon reflection
baudman : Bromptons outside Rapha Melbourne
baudman : Urban Bromptons
baudman : 3 x Melbourne Brompton Club caps
baudman : 3 x Melbourne Brompton Club caps
baudman : Bromptons over Melbourne's Seafarer's Bridge
baudman : A Day in Hell - Rapha Melbourne
baudman : Happy Cow sticker on a Brompton
baudman : Bromptons in reflection
baudman : Brompton M6L Raw (b)Lacquer at Rapha Melbourne (and a Brompton Junction Melbourne hire pinky)
baudman : Brompton M6L Raw (b)Lacquer at Rapha Melbourne
baudman : Brompton outside Rapha Melbourne
baudman : Bromptons at Rapha Melbourne
baudman : Martin instructs on the fold
baudman : Martin explains the fold
baudman : Hand decorated