baudman : Flemington Racecourse
baudman : Left turn at Essendon Traffic School
baudman : IMG_9958.JPG
baudman : THIRD LAP! Oh my lawd!
baudman : TrailGator fitted
baudman : washing
baudman : Let me do it Daddy
baudman : en route
baudman : IMG_9930.JPG
baudman : Frame - nice matte white with mild pearl
baudman : This is Red 5, I'm goin' in.
baudman : First ride at the YouYangs
baudman : Nice low frame - very low centre of gravity
baudman : Spahlooooooosh
baudman : We did a lap like that!
baudman : Neck and neck
baudman : ByK Race Edition
baudman : Bling on the ByK
baudman : Glow bike
baudman : IMAG4990
baudman : CCT - Carlton North
baudman : Daddy and his girl
baudman : Love the drama she's added to this!
baudman : Big. Little. Littlest.
baudman : The family rig
baudman : Always trying to be like her big sister.
baudman : The toddle-bike