baudman : O'Dark Hundred
baudman : Geurciotti
baudman : Racing Ralphs
baudman : Campag 10
baudman : Campag
baudman : After her first 30 mins on the dirt
baudman : Speciale CX
baudman : BROOKS Champion Narrow B.17
baudman : BROOKS
baudman : Jeez I love my bike...
baudman : Yeah... I actually went over that one
baudman : Regrouping
baudman : In her natural element
baudman : Whoops - at least it wasn't his face
baudman : Ditched Deore
baudman : David wondering if this was such a great idea
baudman : I was behind them, coz I had NFI where to go ;)
baudman : Fire access trail at the YouYangs
baudman : Up the access trail
baudman : Yeah... I took that route too ;)
baudman : Blybo on the boards
baudman : Built for it
baudman : Fire and Steel
baudman : In the bush
baudman : And then, the heavens opened
baudman : He he he
baudman : Drippage