baudman : FINALLY GOT ONE! 1/365
baudman : Trip to the BMX track 2/365
baudman : Sleeping (finally!) 3/365
baudman : Scored in a Christmas Cracker 5/365
baudman : Bay 13 - 9/365
baudman : (more) Supplies 11/365
baudman : Mortar Board (graduation hat) 13/365
baudman : Squirt 16/365
baudman : Juliette - 17/365
baudman : Great quote - 18/365
baudman : First flight 24/365
baudman : Love 25/365
baudman : How Aussie is that? 26/365
baudman : Bohemian Pilsner (new label) 27/365
baudman : Pedal-less bike 39/365
baudman : Local face 41/365
baudman : Guess who is... | 42/365
baudman : Train 45/365
baudman : Buzz 46/365
baudman : Panda 47/365
baudman : Top of the Westgate 50/365
baudman : Home made bidon? 51/365
baudman : Looking down Bourke St 52/365
baudman : Stretttttttch 53/365
baudman : Kensington skyline 55/365
baudman : Yearning for the road... 56/365
baudman : Ladybird fairy in attendance 57/365
baudman : Morning Commute 58/365