baudman : Post rego, pre start
baudman : Kona Ute
baudman : Mapping the route
baudman : Still plenty in the queue
baudman : Dressed for combat
baudman : Mmm... chrome tips
baudman : OLMO
baudman : MASI Soulville 3
baudman : Which way?
baudman : Queue's not getting any shorter
baudman : Shifter (and M-R merch)
baudman : More chrome
baudman : All black ('cept for the white bit, which ironically, is usually black)
baudman : Spoke N 4
baudman : Retro and premade
baudman : Bikeage
baudman : Pastels
baudman : Rimmage
baudman : Chrome lines
baudman : Brooks
baudman : Moulton
baudman : Stacks of bikes
baudman : Special brew
baudman : Powered by Melburn-RooBiere
baudman : MASI Soulville 3
baudman : Taking the 'provincial' theme up a notch
baudman : Luggage
baudman : Tickle me...
baudman : Tickle me...
baudman : Lockage