batterhamandbest: lines and lines and lines and lines
batterhamandbest: Just in case you didn't know where you were
batterhamandbest: close up of The Tree
batterhamandbest: Parallel lines (not the Blondie album)
batterhamandbest: Paul taken from the top of the look out tower
batterhamandbest: The Hands
batterhamandbest: Nazca highway accross the plains - where we are going
batterhamandbest: Where we came from
batterhamandbest: Sign and Sun
batterhamandbest: the look out tower
batterhamandbest: Paul and Sign
batterhamandbest: METALLICA!!!!!!!!!
batterhamandbest: The garden at the Nazca hotel
batterhamandbest: Paul and beer and pool
batterhamandbest: the breakfast room
batterhamandbest: cactus and tree
batterhamandbest: the dog that lived on the roof
batterhamandbest: suggestive?
batterhamandbest: mango tree
batterhamandbest: bus shelter - they know what draws people there i suppose
batterhamandbest: Side street in Nazca
batterhamandbest: multi coloured building
batterhamandbest: Spelling - see teacher!
batterhamandbest: Paul and bus stop
batterhamandbest: Nice street sign
batterhamandbest: bright posters
batterhamandbest: the taxi's that are everywhere with the really annoying horns