Batram: Good bye Gotha!
Batram: Der Leinakanal - erbaut 1369!
Batram: Ok Dudes! Follow me!
Batram: The only way is down!
Batram: Inside the Channel
Batram: Magliterays
Batram: Gotha Underground!
Batram: The Chan(n)el Model!
Batram: The difficult way, the reflections ans the Maglight!
Batram: OMG! The Stasiman is back!
Batram: Reflections under the City!
Batram: The Underground Junkie!
Batram: Der Rumtreiber @ work
Batram: Under the Gardenstreet
Batram: The Wish Wheel - Das Wunsch Rad!
Batram: The Pumpstation
Batram: Add Blue!
Batram: Tunnel view!
Batram: Hier gehts lang!
Batram: Underground Surfbrett!
Batram: Volles Rohr!
Batram: Fischähnlicher Mutant in der Gothaer Unterwelt!
Batram: Hells Gate in Gotha entdeckt!
Batram: Urbex Fisch TV! (Stummfilm!)
Batram: Exit!
Batram: CHANEL No 5!