Batram: The man at the pond
Batram: Schloss Park Gotha
Batram: Schloss Friedenstein
Batram: The Castle on the Hill
Batram: Bauhaus Museum Weimar
Batram: Goethe, Schiller & me (invisible behind the cam)
Batram: Der Seerosenteich
Batram: Sneak Preview!
Batram: Dream Garden
Batram: Winter Palais
Batram: In the Garden
Batram: Schloss Altenstein IR-HDR
Batram: IR - HDR
Batram: Nightflight of the Bat!
Batram: The Tree (IR)
Batram: I had a dream last night...
Batram: Da Car
Batram: Blacksea Iceland
Batram: The IR Man!
Batram: Antarctica
Batram: The Other World! - Die Anderswelt!
Batram: The other side of light!
Batram: Schloss Belvedere
Batram: Schloss Belvedere Weimar
Batram: IR Cloud
Batram: Erfurt - IRfurt
Batram: Japanese Garden
Batram: Japanese Garden - Bad Langensalza
Batram: Mountain Hotel
Batram: Schlosspark Gotha