batpigandme: the batpig
batpigandme: The batpig arrives
batpigandme: Really?
batpigandme: The boys by the fire
batpigandme: Rondo's blue period
batpigandme: batpig green with envy
batpigandme: let's just stare into eachother's eyes
batpigandme: smushface
batpigandme: "i'll take my own pictures"
batpigandme: Firewatching
batpigandme: Toad in Bed
batpigandme: Can I help you?
batpigandme: deep thoughts with toady toady fuzz fuzz
batpigandme: Ah-sleep
batpigandme: Pillow-Hog
batpigandme: Won't Budge
batpigandme: Teddy Ready for the Beach
batpigandme: Batpig from Outerspace
batpigandme: Front Seat Driver
batpigandme: Snuggling
batpigandme: Baby Seal Eyes
batpigandme: Batpig Buddha
batpigandme: Pensive Pup
batpigandme: Rondo in Rock Creek Park
batpigandme: Dogpower
batpigandme: Pup Pull
batpigandme: Rondo goes Nat Geo
batpigandme: Little Batpig Deep Thoughts