Batikart: Hey ... that is my Milk !!!
Batikart: Jellyfishes - Aquarium Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain
Batikart: Sparrow on the Fence: Summer is really over ?
Batikart: Carpenter Ant on Observation Post - Camponotus Ligniperda
Batikart: Waiting for his Hot Dog - Golden Retriever
Batikart: Flying Butterfly - Small Tortoiseshell (Aglais urticae) - Waren (Müritz), Germany
Batikart: How can I catch the Bird (・・? (?_?)
Batikart: Dragonfly Vagrant Darter (Female) - Sympetrum vulgatum
Batikart: The "Black" Sheep
Batikart: Computer Bug
Batikart: The Foal and my Son in Spain - Distorted Proportions
Batikart: Geotrupidae - Blue Dor Beetle
Batikart: My favorite Pose - Yoga in the Zoo
Batikart: Europian Dragonfly Vagrant Darter (Male) - Sympetrum sanguineum
Batikart: Everybody loves Mecki ... the little Hedgehog in my Hand
Batikart: Dinner for One - Common Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni) on flowering Meadow
Batikart: Honey Bee
Batikart: Swan (Cygnini) in Autumn Reflections - Adelberg, Herrenbach Artificial Lake, Germany
Batikart: Wait for me ... I will follow you ! - Burgundy Snail, Germany
Batikart: Foal with Horse Mother
Batikart: Addicted to Blue
Batikart: Look straight through the Wings of the Butterfly
Batikart: Rush Hour between Blue and Green ...
Batikart: Ladybug on Nettle - My Ladybug should bring you Luck - Happy New Year 2010 !!!
Batikart: The other Side
Batikart: Caterpillar - Pale Tussock - Calliteara pudibunda
Batikart: Do you have some Nuts? Denver Downtown, Colorado, USA
Batikart: Lady on the Tramp
Batikart: Owl Butterfly (Caligo eurilochus) - Nature at Lake Constance, Germany
Batikart: Dragonfly Vagrant Darter (Mating) - Sympetrum sanguineum