Batikart: Burdock Buds - Bavaria, Germany
Batikart: Yellow Beauty in Evening Backlight
Batikart: Poppies in a Field
Batikart: All Things must pass
Batikart: Neuen Rasierpinsel gefällig ?
Batikart: I take the Poppy to the left
Batikart: What a wonderful World - Spring Daisies
Batikart: The Beauty of Weed
Batikart: Red Poppy
Batikart: Miracle of Nature - Microcosm Moss
Batikart: Gentiana purpurea - Purpur-Enzian
Batikart: Blooming Coltsfoot means nearly Spring!
Batikart: Burdock ... comes into Blossom - Bavaria Germany
Batikart: Margerite - Leucanthemum vulgare
Batikart: Food Source for Bees and Bugs
Batikart: Dinner for One - Common Brimstone (Gonepteryx rhamni) on flowering Meadow
Batikart: Blowball of a Dandelion - A White Wonder
Batikart: Margerite (Leucanthemum vulgare)
Batikart: White and green Spring Carpet
Batikart: Lonely Poppy in a Wheat Field
Batikart: Frosty Moss in Snow
Batikart: Dandelion Flower Head