ifleming: Darkroom comes to life
ifleming: Darkroom comes to life
ifleming: Darkroom comes to life
ifleming: Darkroom comes to life
ifleming: Vannes Harbour
ifleming: Just developed Rollei Retro 100 in Kodak XTOL
ifleming: Ilford Delta 3200 in Kodak XTOL, drying
ifleming: Kodak Portra Backing Paper
ifleming: Ilford Backing Paper
ifleming: C41 Tetenal Colortec time
ifleming: Kodak Portra Drying from my 1930s Rolleicord
ifleming: 1st roll from Kodak Folding Pocket 2b, Red Bellows
ifleming: Decided to sort out film washing properly, distilled water machine, runs off our solar during the day
ifleming: Another roll of Ilford HP5 done in Kodak XTOL
ifleming: About to unload the Grafmatic film holder in the 20th Century Camera reel
ifleming: 1st lot of fim developed using 20th century QL45 reel
ifleming: New 55 Atomic X drying
ifleming: Another roll of Ilford FP4 developed from my Kodak Folding Pocket 2b,
ifleming: Hairline cracks in old style Paterson 4 tank
ifleming: Ilford Pan F plus drying
ifleming: Home Processed Kodak Portra 400 looking good, Tetenal Colortec
ifleming: Ilford Delta 400 drying Kodak XTOL, Rolleiflex