Bathgate Wildlife: MARSH MARIGOLD
Bathgate Wildlife: Marsh marigold
Bathgate Wildlife: Marsh marigold
Bathgate Wildlife: wild strawberry flower
Bathgate Wildlife: Germander Speedwell
Bathgate Wildlife: BIRDSFOOT TRIFOIL
Bathgate Wildlife: HAWTHORN FLOWER
Bathgate Wildlife: CRAB APPLE
Bathgate Wildlife: SCOTS PINE FLOWER
Bathgate Wildlife: Red campion
Bathgate Wildlife: Goatsbeard
Bathgate Wildlife: herb robert
Bathgate Wildlife: dandylion seed
Bathgate Wildlife: ribwort plantian
Bathgate Wildlife: fox and cubs
Bathgate Wildlife: hawkbit and Dandilion
Bathgate Wildlife: YELLOW RATTLE
Bathgate Wildlife: Marsh orchid
Bathgate Wildlife: DOGROSE FLOWER