Batty aka Photobat: New characters Batty and Doomcupcake
Batty aka Photobat: Gnomes of Followers of the Jingo
Batty aka Photobat: Starting the Run with a Powerful Escourt
Batty aka Photobat: Run through the Wetlands
Batty aka Photobat: Menethil Harbor
Batty aka Photobat: Waiting for the Boat to Theramore
Batty aka Photobat: Gnome Takeover!
Batty aka Photobat: Theramore guards aren't fond of our escourt
Batty aka Photobat: Really, really annoyed guards
Batty aka Photobat: Across the Barrens...
Batty aka Photobat: Almost there...
Batty aka Photobat: Up the elevator...
Batty aka Photobat: And bam, dead in the water!
Batty aka Photobat: Finally a safe spot...
Batty aka Photobat: Until someone pops a fire totem
Batty aka Photobat: Dead Line Up
Batty aka Photobat: What are they saying?
Batty aka Photobat: "Don't kill them, they're our pets!"
Batty aka Photobat: Seconds pass and we still live!
Batty aka Photobat: Waving for the camera - I'm such a ham
Batty aka Photobat: Final death before logout