Batty aka Photobat: Backlot city on Universal Studios Tour
Batty aka Photobat: Preparing a scene on the Universal Studios Tour
Batty aka Photobat: It doubles for Rome!
Batty aka Photobat: Not Jaws, and not Maine
Batty aka Photobat: It doubles for Europe!
Batty aka Photobat: When not resting peacefully at the Bates Motel...
Batty aka Photobat: Universal Studios backlot
Batty aka Photobat: Universal Studios backlot, mural
Batty aka Photobat: When Desperate Housewives decorate exteriors with fake flowers...
Batty aka Photobat: There's always snow in Whoville...
Batty aka Photobat: Enterance to tunnel that references movie The Mummy...
Batty aka Photobat: Hitchcock used to work here...
Batty aka Photobat: War of the Worlds plane crash at Universal Studios
Batty aka Photobat: Demolishing a plane to use as a prop...
Batty aka Photobat: Wrecked neighborhood from War of the Worlds
Batty aka Photobat: The view at Universal Studios