PixieRosa: mom_me_beach2
PixieRosa: mom_me_beach
PixieRosa: beach
PixieRosa: dad fernando and me at the beach
PixieRosa: at the beach Foz da Arelha?
PixieRosa: Me and Karen on the beach, for a whale watch school trip
PixieRosa: Nazare
PixieRosa: Nazare: Lunch at beach restaurant with Celeste, me, Ceu and Pai
PixieRosa: Nazare: Rui and his cousin (Florbela?), me on the side, just walked out of the beach tent.
PixieRosa: Nazare: hanging out at the beach: Fernando
PixieRosa: orlando beach
PixieRosa: beach
PixieRosa: beach
PixieRosa: beach
PixieRosa: beach
PixieRosa: beach
PixieRosa: beach
PixieRosa: beach
PixieRosa: snorkeling beach
PixieRosa: snorkeling beach
PixieRosa: Snorkeling
PixieRosa: Jackie and Yold snorkeling
PixieRosa: Beach
PixieRosa: Beautiful water
PixieRosa: A huge spidery hermit crab lives in the shell
PixieRosa: Yola dived for this beautiful Conch shell, but there was a surprise in it.
PixieRosa: Yola getting ready to toss
PixieRosa: Yola tosses the Hermit Crab back
PixieRosa: Yola and Rosa Trip to Puerto Rico to visit Jackie
PixieRosa: 1998 1st girls camping trip: burying tony