Batara: Autographed Christopher O'Riley CD & Instax
Batara: Stare
Batara: Batara @ High Park
Batara: Mother
Batara: The Conversation
Batara: St. Andrew
Batara: Pedestrian Bridge
Batara: Bonang
Batara: Mr. Brent & Ms. Lee
Batara: Recyclable Car
Batara: My Favourite Tree
Batara: Trias @ Riverdale Park
Batara: Burning
Batara: Burning
Batara: Spring!
Batara: The Branches Will Lead You There
Batara: Apocalypse Now!
Batara: The Red Woods
Batara: The Labyrinth
Batara: There is Only One Single Telephone
Batara: Don't Call The Fire Department, It's Pretty
Batara: Stop Years of Suffering
Batara: Come Sit With Me
Batara: Untitled
Batara: Accidental Shot
Batara: Red Sky Is Ours
Batara: Untitled 02
Batara: Chlorine Storage
Batara: Bloor West Village
Batara: Tall Pike please..