DebDubya: Great or Common Egret (Ardea alba)
DebDubya: bananaquit at its nest
DebDubya: Bananaquits after Hurr.Bertha
DebDubya: Bananaquits after Bertha
DebDubya: Bananaquit
DebDubya: Bananaquit Convention
DebDubya: Pelican Power Hour
DebDubya: Pelican take-off
DebDubya: a split-second before "gotcha!"
DebDubya: Pelican flight
DebDubya: Pelican plight*
DebDubya: pelican flight
DebDubya: Pelican at dusk
DebDubya: Sunset Flight
DebDubya: Pelican at dusk 2
DebDubya: Shadow Dance
DebDubya: Why did the chicken cross the road?
DebDubya: Great Egret in Cruz Bay
DebDubya: Egret at Frank Bay
DebDubya: Little Blue Heron (Egretta caerulea)
DebDubya: Heron amidst the mangroves 2
DebDubya: Heron amidst the mangroves
DebDubya: Green Heron (Butorides virescens)
DebDubya: bananaquit 1
DebDubya: busy bananaquits
DebDubya: bananaquit 2
DebDubya: bananaquit 3
DebDubya: Egret flight at Frank Bay pond
DebDubya: Bananaquit 4
DebDubya: Century Plant and Hummingbird