Sebastian Castillo: Terra Cotta display
Sebastian Castillo: Fishnets...
Sebastian Castillo: Clone w/Joker
Sebastian Castillo: With the Ugly dolls..
Sebastian Castillo: Setting up display outside comic con...
Sebastian Castillo: GGrrrrr...
Sebastian Castillo: Various sharks...
Sebastian Castillo: LAN Party Massacre...
Sebastian Castillo: For Humans Only...
Sebastian Castillo: Talking w/Security...
Sebastian Castillo: Batman and Jedi
Sebastian Castillo: Alfred, pick me up...
Sebastian Castillo: Boothbabe...
Sebastian Castillo: Nite Owl prop
Sebastian Castillo: White boots...
Sebastian Castillo: Nicole deBoer
Sebastian Castillo: Praise free T-shirts...
Sebastian Castillo: Boothbabe on break....
Sebastian Castillo: Comedian's guns from Watchmen movie
Sebastian Castillo: Boothbabe...
Sebastian Castillo: View from above...
Sebastian Castillo: Rock on Sexy Jesus...
Sebastian Castillo: Jedi with Hellboy...
Sebastian Castillo: Todd Nauck...
Sebastian Castillo: Nurse Joker...
Sebastian Castillo: Comedian, Dr. Manhattan, and Rorschach
Sebastian Castillo: Jedi outfit
Sebastian Castillo: Hanging with Sexy Jesus'
Sebastian Castillo: Take a seat at DC's booth...