bastamanography: tourist or traveller : leisure or pleasure
bastamanography: tourist or traveller : group or alone
bastamanography: tourist or traveller : road or path
bastamanography: tourist or traveller : indoor or outdoor
bastamanography: tourist or traveller : fix or join the transportation
bastamanography: tourist or traveller : selfie or taking picture without yourself
bastamanography: tourist or traveller : sleep in bed or in hammock
bastamanography: tourist or traveller : fix traveling or stop by interesting coz no fix planning
bastamanography: tourist or traveller : buy or collecting merchandise
bastamanography: tourist or traveller : save travelling or extreme travelling
bastamanography: tourist or traveller : taking all daily gadget or taking travelling gadget
bastamanography: tourist or traveller : visit the normal spot or exploring the area
bastamanography: tourist or traveller : have the fix schedule or just pack a bag and go
bastamanography: #1 tourist or traveller : how are you?