PhilWestcott: The Dells
PhilWestcott: Incredible Granite at the Dells
PhilWestcott: The Dells
PhilWestcott: Prescot Storms
PhilWestcott: Cathedral Wash & Vanishing Cliffs
PhilWestcott: Cathedral Wash
PhilWestcott: Kane Ranch
PhilWestcott: Colorado River
PhilWestcott: Pictograph @ Sand Crack
PhilWestcott: Sand Crack & House Rock Valley
PhilWestcott: Sand Crack
PhilWestcott: Red Rock in Sand Crack
PhilWestcott: Fragile Sandstone
PhilWestcott: Top of Sand Crack
PhilWestcott: Painting Jarvis
PhilWestcott: Painting Jarvis 2
PhilWestcott: Painting Jarvis 3
PhilWestcott: Fire Starting
PhilWestcott: Sunset on the Paria Plateau
PhilWestcott: Cleaning the Pipe
PhilWestcott: Jarvis Gate
PhilWestcott: Dump Site
PhilWestcott: Coronado National Forrest
PhilWestcott: San Rita Mountains