basaza: 新北大橋夜倒映 - Reflection of New Taipei Expy
basaza: 夕燒永福橋 - Sunset at YongFu Bridge
basaza: 社子大橋夜倒映 - Reflection of Shetzu bridge
basaza: 福和橋霞光 - Sunset glow at Fuhuo Bridge
basaza: 萬板大橋日落霞彩 - Sunset glow at Wanban Bridge
basaza: 萬板大橋金色倒映 - Golden reflection of Wanban Bridge
basaza: 碧潭吊橋夜倒映 - Reflection of Bitan bridge
basaza: 碧潭夜色 - Bitan night
basaza: 新月橋夜倒映 - Reflection of Xinyue Bridge
basaza: 新月橋夕陽 - Sunset at Xinyue Bridge
basaza: 陽光橋倒映 光之翼 - Reflection of bridge
basaza: 陽光橋倒映 - Reflection of bridge
basaza: 風過留痕 - The wind had traces
basaza: 新北大橋夜倒映 - Reflection of New Taipei Expy
basaza: 永福橋夕陽 - Sunset at YongFu Bridge
basaza: 陽光橋夜景 - Night view of bridge
basaza: 情人橋夜景 - Nightview of Lover's Bridge
basaza: 新月再臨 - Reflection of Xinyue Bridge and car tracks
basaza: 浪漫水岸 - Romantic waterfront
basaza: 暴風雨前的寧靜 - Calm before the storm
basaza: 萬板大橋夜倒映 - Reflection of Wanban Bridge
basaza: 板橋湳仔溝 - Drainage night view
basaza: 藍調永福橋 - Blues YongFu Bridge
basaza: 重陽橋火燒雲日落 - Fire clouds sunset
basaza: 新月橋倒映 - Reflection of Xinyue Bridge
basaza: 環東夜景 - East Central Avenue night view
basaza: 環東大道日落時分 - Sunset at East Central Avenue
basaza: 萬板大橋淺水灘 - The bridge reflection in the river at low tide
basaza: 光復橋倒影 - Reflection of Kuangfu Bridge
basaza: 新北華江二重奏 - Reflection of two bridges