[BarZaN] Qtr:
Look up, I look up at night,
[BarZaN] Qtr:
Welcome to Sin City
[BarZaN] Qtr:
Dreams Always Come True.... In Hollywood!
[BarZaN] Qtr:
Wynn Hotel and Casino
[BarZaN] Qtr:
Viva Las Vegas
[BarZaN] Qtr:
اذكريني واذكري ماضي هواي.... و اذكري شمسي قبل شمسي تغيب
[BarZaN] Qtr:
Boston Skyline
[BarZaN] Qtr:
[BarZaN] Qtr:
في ليال كتمت سر الهوى ..... بالدجى لولا شموس الغرر
[BarZaN] Qtr:
Under the bridge downtown...
[BarZaN] Qtr:
Well we knew we missed the boat...