BJSmit: the new macro setup
BJSmit: My current UW setup
BJSmit: A new toy, Canon G7X and a Blackray underwater house :-)
BJSmit: the hand luggage
BJSmit: Camera porn
BJSmit: ready to go, Philippines, Hong Kong here I come !
BJSmit: for Sale BG-E2
BJSmit: my new toy - EOS 7D :)
BJSmit: macro setup - 105 mm + reversed 50mm
BJSmit: toys for playing underwater - Canon G11 - WPDC34 - INON-UCL 330 - Fantasea Bigeye - INON Z240
BJSmit: What's in the bag ?
BJSmit: my 'on land' gear
BJSmit: Canon WP-DC 34
BJSmit: my under water equipment
BJSmit: my new little toy ! - a G11
BJSmit: waterrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
BJSmit: INON Z240
BJSmit: What’s in the bag?