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Kitchen Remodel by Bart King
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Bart King
It was a beautiful Spring day...
Bart King
The smell of bacon filled the air!
Bart King
And a sordid galley kitchen awaited its fate.
Bart King
It's your pretty standard remodel.
Bart King
Santiago and Dallas: Cabinet Removal Experts
Bart King
Lynn kisses off the old stove.
Bart King
The demolition zone was quarantined.
Bart King
And the plaster came out!
Bart King
Motes everywhere...
Bart King
The project manager barked out orders...
Bart King
And a forbidding figure appeared...
Bart King
Dallas mightily cursed his ne'er-do-well son-in-law.
Bart King
"Why so grumpy? We've got animal fats here!" Ginny cries.
Bart King
Santiago opted to escape Dallas's sulphurous oaths...
Bart King
And she bids a fond farewell to the kitchen's guts.
Bart King
A quick check of the budget reveals a surprise!
Bart King
Ruby carefully monitors Dan the Floorman.
Bart King
In which our humble host rolls up his sleeves:
Bart King
Ruby the Poundhound take a much-needed break.
Bart King
"Golly, mister, that's a big cabinet!"
Bart King
Thad takes a drawer.
Bart King
The master carpenter (right) gives some tips.
Bart King
Thad: "This cabinet will have to be held in place until the glue dries."
Bart King
L'il Jimmy: "I can't feel my arm! How long's it been?"
Bart King
"Maybe we should have emptied the dishes first?"
Bart King
One mustache hails from 19th-century North Dakota.
Bart King
Thad: "These extra-long screws will keep the hood in place!"
Bart King
"Blimey! The screws came out on the other side of the wall."
Bart King
Radiation fallout victims helped with the scraping.
Bart King
Dallas (right) and Ginny (obscured) marvel at the changes.
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