Bart King: It was a beautiful Spring day...
Bart King: The smell of bacon filled the air!
Bart King: And a sordid galley kitchen awaited its fate.
Bart King: It's your pretty standard remodel.
Bart King: Santiago and Dallas: Cabinet Removal Experts
Bart King: Lynn kisses off the old stove.
Bart King: The demolition zone was quarantined.
Bart King: And the plaster came out!
Bart King: Motes everywhere...
Bart King: The project manager barked out orders...
Bart King: And a forbidding figure appeared...
Bart King: Dallas mightily cursed his ne'er-do-well son-in-law.
Bart King: "Why so grumpy? We've got animal fats here!" Ginny cries.
Bart King: Santiago opted to escape Dallas's sulphurous oaths...
Bart King: And she bids a fond farewell to the kitchen's guts.
Bart King: A quick check of the budget reveals a surprise!
Bart King: Ruby carefully monitors Dan the Floorman.
Bart King: In which our humble host rolls up his sleeves:
Bart King: Ruby the Poundhound take a much-needed break.
Bart King: "Golly, mister, that's a big cabinet!"
Bart King: Thad takes a drawer.
Bart King: The master carpenter (right) gives some tips.
Bart King: Thad: "This cabinet will have to be held in place until the glue dries."
Bart King: L'il Jimmy: "I can't feel my arm! How long's it been?"
Bart King: "Maybe we should have emptied the dishes first?"
Bart King: One mustache hails from 19th-century North Dakota.
Bart King: Thad: "These extra-long screws will keep the hood in place!"
Bart King: "Blimey! The screws came out on the other side of the wall."
Bart King: Radiation fallout victims helped with the scraping.
Bart King: Dallas (right) and Ginny (obscured) marvel at the changes.