Barstow Steve: The Horns of a Dillema
Barstow Steve: Gears of Mystery
Barstow Steve: Out in the Yard
Barstow Steve: I Can't Drive 25
Barstow Steve: Completely Hosed
Barstow Steve: Dashboard
Barstow Steve: This Way to Garbage
Barstow Steve: Back at Tom's Welding
Barstow Steve: Rusty Old Stuff
Barstow Steve: Antler Art
Barstow Steve: Bottles in the Sun
Barstow Steve: Potty Break
Barstow Steve: From Long Beach to Barstow
Barstow Steve: Whether we mistook the colors For the real thing
Barstow Steve: Wheel in the Sky
Barstow Steve: Split the Sky
Barstow Steve: Elmer Knows Which Way to Go
Barstow Steve: Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun
Barstow Steve: Parts is Parts