Barstow Steve:
Whip it Real Good
Barstow Steve:
Rope Tricks
Barstow Steve:
That's All Folks
Barstow Steve:
Old Grand Canyon Car
Barstow Steve:
Marshall Making Sure Everything is Kosher
Barstow Steve:
My Continuing Obsession With Power Poles - From the Grand Canyon Railroad
Barstow Steve:
Music on the Train
Barstow Steve:
Well Howdy
Barstow Steve:
First Grand Canyon Pic of the Trip - Hopi Point
Barstow Steve:
Magic in my Eyes
Barstow Steve:
Drop for Every Hour
Barstow Steve:
A Daydream Broken From Its Tethers
Barstow Steve:
No Big Scene of the Sidewalk
Barstow Steve:
Pion on the Edge
Barstow Steve:
Photograh on the Dashboard Taken Years Ago
Barstow Steve:
I Can See for Miles
Barstow Steve:
Everything That Happens Will Happen Today
Barstow Steve:
Carved Features
Barstow Steve:
Riding Out
Barstow Steve:
That High Lonesome Sound
Barstow Steve:
Talking Horses
Barstow Steve:
Lasso Tricks
Barstow Steve:
Thank You For The Days