Barstow Steve:
Got Rocks?
Barstow Steve:
Shell House, Caliente California
Barstow Steve:
The Burger Spot - Tehachapi
Barstow Steve:
Kelly's Cafe - Tehachapi
Barstow Steve:
Crossing Signal at Tehachapi
Barstow Steve:
Caliente Green House 2023
Barstow Steve:
Mixed Signals at Tehachapi
Barstow Steve:
Sit and Read a While
Barstow Steve:
Ranch Motel, Tehachapi
Barstow Steve:
Caliente Homestead
Barstow Steve:
Santa Fe Motel-Tehachapi
Barstow Steve:
Tehachapi Station
Barstow Steve:
My Continuing Obsession With Power Poles - But everyone in town only wants to bring you down