Barstow Steve:
Daggett USA
Barstow Steve:
Hut in the Desert
Barstow Steve:
Barstow Steve:
Barstow Steve:
Obligatory Train Shot
Barstow Steve:
In the Shadow of the Daggett Pioneer Cemetery
Barstow Steve:
Steal Scam Rob Take
Barstow Steve:
Last of the Breakfast Bunch
Barstow Steve:
My Continuing Obession With Power Poles - Triumph
Barstow Steve:
T-Bird V8
Barstow Steve:
Barstow Steve:
My Continuing Obsession With Power Poles - A Perfect Life is all We Need
Barstow Steve:
"It was making a noise"
Barstow Steve:
Heading Out
Barstow Steve:
Mojave Marina
Barstow Steve:
My Continuing Obsession With Power Poles - This World Weighs on Me
Barstow Steve:
Bel Air
Barstow Steve:
Barstow Steve:
My Continuing Obsession With Power Poles - Chevy
Barstow Steve:
Triumph Badge
Barstow Steve:
Bob is Keeping an Eye Out
Barstow Steve:
Remembering Snowman