Barstow Steve:
For No One
Barstow Steve:
Out Building
Barstow Steve:
Dune 1
Barstow Steve:
Memory Stones
Barstow Steve:
An Idea That Should Die
Barstow Steve:
Nike Air
Barstow Steve:
The Sand Will Claim its Own
Barstow Steve:
Radial View
Barstow Steve:
Money Wall at the Bagdad Cafe
Barstow Steve:
My Continuing Obsession With Power Poles-Dune Disconnected
Barstow Steve:
Amboy Church at Sunset
Barstow Steve:
Rock Homestead
Barstow Steve:
Amboy in the Gloaming
Barstow Steve:
There's Your Problem Right There
Barstow Steve:
Barstow Steve:
Memorial For Many on Route 66
Barstow Steve:
My Continuing Obsession With Power Poles-Harvard Road
Barstow Steve:
Lady Liberty Welcomes you to Newberry Springs
Barstow Steve:
Quick Visit to the Bagdad Cafe
Barstow Steve:
Barstow Steve:
Sticker Shock at the Bagdad Cafe
Barstow Steve:
Destructive Reflection
Barstow Steve:
Jack Palance Slept Here
Barstow Steve:
Barstow Steve:
Windows Upon Windows
Barstow Steve:
Coming Home