Barstow Steve: The Tardis Goes in for a Hard Landing 335/365
Barstow Steve: The Tardis Lands on the Planet Naja, Home of the Giant Water Goddesses
Barstow Steve: Goffs Store
Barstow Steve: Window on the World
Barstow Steve: My Continuing Obsession With Power Poles-Goffs
Barstow Steve: Provisions Still at Goff Store
Barstow Steve: Have a Seat at Goffs
Barstow Steve: Help Yourself to Some Staples
Barstow Steve: Santa Fe Coming Through Goffs
Barstow Steve: Ghandi Teaches Peace at Goffs
Barstow Steve: Entering Grapevine Canyon
Barstow Steve: View From Grapevine Canyon
Barstow Steve: Don't Know Why But this Stump Interested Me
Barstow Steve: Snake in the Grass
Barstow Steve: Geometry
Barstow Steve: Strange Visitor
Barstow Steve: At the Foot of History
Barstow Steve: Intricate Panels
Barstow Steve: Familiar Figures
Barstow Steve: Antenna Man at the Foot of the Cross
Barstow Steve: Ancients
Barstow Steve: Mixed Messages
Barstow Steve: Many Stories
Barstow Steve: Erosion Features
Barstow Steve: Climbing to the Mountain Goat Panel
Barstow Steve: Famous Big Horn Sheep Panel
Barstow Steve: Where the Demons Live