Barstow Steve: Kay Whitecloud and Friend Admire the Mural
Barstow Steve: Turquoise Mural
Barstow Steve: Littlest Whitecloud Dancer
Barstow Steve: Dancing In
Barstow Steve: Kay and Jane
Barstow Steve: Dancing In
Barstow Steve: Kay Over Kay's Shoulder
Barstow Steve: Hugging the Procession
Barstow Steve: Processional
Barstow Steve: Bev Lowry Admiring the Turquoise
Barstow Steve: Whitecloud Generations Dance
Barstow Steve: Supervisor Ramos Gives an Certificate Mrs. Whitecloud
Barstow Steve: Kay Enjoying Herself
Barstow Steve: Cutting the Ribbon
Barstow Steve: Jane Gets a Certificate From Supervisor Ramos