Barstow Steve:
The Whiting Brothers in Newberry Springs Has Seen Better Days
Barstow Steve:
My Continuing Obsession With pOwer Poles-Red Shoes
Barstow Steve:
Rounding the Bend
Barstow Steve:
7495 and the Moon
Barstow Steve:
Coming Into Amboy
Barstow Steve:
Desert Rails
Barstow Steve:
Lighting the Way
Barstow Steve:
Barstow Steve:
Tardis at Amboy
Barstow Steve:
Tardis Coming to a Landing at Amboy
Barstow Steve:
German Tourists and the TARDIS
Barstow Steve:
Sunset on the Rails
Barstow Steve:
Lion and Moon
Barstow Steve:
Foo Dog on Route 66
Barstow Steve:
Foo Dog on Route 66, Black and White