Barstow Steve: Ballerina's Sunflower
Barstow Steve: Black and White Balloons
Barstow Steve: Miss Kim
Barstow Steve: Jester in the Crowd
Barstow Steve: The Beginning of Serious Clowning
Barstow Steve: Now That is a Pose
Barstow Steve: Big Finish
Barstow Steve: On the Tightrope
Barstow Steve: Balance
Barstow Steve: Ballerinas
Barstow Steve: Opening the Cage
Barstow Steve: Freedom
Barstow Steve: Animal Crackers in my Soup
Barstow Steve: Little Wild Things
Barstow Steve: Tapping
Barstow Steve: I Wish I could Post the Music That Played With This Dance, It is Still Going Through My Head
Barstow Steve: Not Sure What Was Going on Here But it Was Cool
Barstow Steve: Magic and Dance
Barstow Steve: Now Watch Us Pull A Flower Out of Our Hat
Barstow Steve: Big Finish