Barstow Steve: Long Distance Card Trick
Barstow Steve: Petting Flash the Dove
Barstow Steve: Absolutely Gobsmacked
Barstow Steve: Soon to be a real flower
Barstow Steve: Mind Reading Reaction
Barstow Steve: What is in the Oarnge?
Barstow Steve: A Bit of Flame
Barstow Steve: Joel Ward
Barstow Steve: World's Largest Card Trick
Barstow Steve: Jesus Seems Unimpressed
Barstow Steve: Thought She Had One Ball
Barstow Steve: How to Fold and Palm a Banana
Barstow Steve: The Face One Makes When you Fold and Palm a Banana
Barstow Steve: Mind Reading Card Trick
Barstow Steve: Big Applause
Barstow Steve: A Trick Involving a Shoe
Barstow Steve: Yellow Hanky
Barstow Steve: Where is that Rope Coming From?
Barstow Steve: Tawni Introduces Joel Ward
Barstow Steve: A Girl and Her Balloon Princess
Barstow Steve: Getting a Parrot to Sit On His Arm
Barstow Steve: Soon to Be Superman
Barstow Steve: Children Rapt
Barstow Steve: Folding
Barstow Steve: Woody and Samuel
Barstow Steve: Building a Princess
Barstow Steve: Talking at the Right Level
Barstow Steve: Big Crowd