Barstow Steve:
Say Hello to Trouble
Barstow Steve:
This Little Butthead was lost and now {s}he is found
Barstow Steve:
Pluto After Chewing on my Shirt for a Bit
Barstow Steve:
A Little Bit of Trouble
Barstow Steve:
I know I am Taking a Lot of Pics of Trouble. . .
Barstow Steve:
Trouble the Lap Cat
Barstow Steve:
Trouble is Growing
Barstow Steve:
Trouble Sleeping
Barstow Steve:
Trouble as Big as a Boot
Barstow Steve:
Trouble on the Window Sill With a Heart Behind Her Butt
Barstow Steve:
The Wild Trouble Cat Takes Her Kill to Her Lair
Barstow Steve:
Contemplating Trouble
Barstow Steve:
Trouble Looking Over My Shoulder
Barstow Steve:
Trouble's Whiskers
Barstow Steve:
Whatca takin' a picture of Steve?
Barstow Steve:
Freaking Trouble
Barstow Steve:
Trouble is a Very Sound Sleeper
Barstow Steve:
Trouble's Ear
Barstow Steve:
Jungle Trouble
Barstow Steve:
Trouble is Growing
Barstow Steve:
The Noble Trouble
Barstow Steve:
Trouble Likes Her Bowl of Cat Grass
Barstow Steve:
Trouble Likes to Help With Dishes Inside the Machine
Barstow Steve:
Trouble Living Up To Her Name
Barstow Steve:
Trouble Half in the Bag
Barstow Steve:
Quiet Trouble
Barstow Steve:
Don't bother I's Sleepin'
Barstow Steve:
That's My Ball
Barstow Steve:
Trouble From On High
Barstow Steve:
Trouble Chillaxin