Barry T Allen: in memory of Tony RIP
Barry T Allen: jay's pole
Barry T Allen: Tony's pole
Barry T Allen: words to Tony
Barry T Allen: JRV and friends in grade school
Barry T Allen: flowers and a bear
Barry T Allen: memory tree
Barry T Allen: right near JRV
Barry T Allen: JV loves pickles
Barry T Allen: long ago from across the street
Barry T Allen: jay's collage
Barry T Allen: in memory of Tony
Barry T Allen: pickles in memory of J
Barry T Allen: jayy candles
Barry T Allen: it happened long ago
Barry T Allen: candles for Tony
Barry T Allen: just after the tragedy
Barry T Allen: portrait of JRV
Barry T Allen: Nassau Blvd shrine to two boys
Barry T Allen: shrine 2
Barry T Allen: shrine 3
Barry T Allen: serenity shrine
Barry T Allen: for ever and ever
Barry T Allen: for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory
Barry T Allen: and deliver us from evil
Barry T Allen: who trespass against us
Barry T Allen: as we forgive those
Barry T Allen: on earth as it is in heaven
Barry T Allen: thy kingdom come, thy will be done