Barry MacHale:
Twenty-five cents
Barry MacHale:
Ethel_platform train
Barry MacHale:
Barry MacHale:
farm fresh artichokes
Barry MacHale:
Barry MacHale:
Barry MacHale:
Barry MacHale:
utah siesta
Barry MacHale:
where in the hell is maybell
Barry MacHale:
trailridge rocksit
Barry MacHale:
trail ridge store
Barry MacHale:
the blessed apple adobe
Barry MacHale:
eat to ride
Barry MacHale:
emma park
Barry MacHale:
middle of roadturn
Barry MacHale:
mount airy
Barry MacHale:
Gettin there
Barry MacHale:
I almost died here copy
Barry MacHale:
continental divide
Barry MacHale:
delta or bust copy
Barry MacHale:
almost at the top
Barry MacHale:
Rabbit ears
Barry MacHale:
Tropico De Cancer
Barry MacHale:
Markets alfa
Barry MacHale:
Where to next