barrrry joseph: Geocache find #37 - Debby's 1st find - Flushing Promenade 5
barrrry joseph: Geocache find #37 - Debby's 1st find - Flushing Promenade 5
barrrry joseph: Akiva School Portrait (11-11)
barrrry joseph: Akiva looking at the stars in Grand Central Station
barrrry joseph: Akiva and Daddy at the floating sushi bar
barrrry joseph: Hiking my grandpa's house
barrrry joseph: In the fall woods
barrrry joseph: In the fall woods
barrrry joseph: Geocache find #38 - in Syosset - Tranquil Trail View
barrrry joseph: Akiva at School
barrrry joseph: Akiva at School
barrrry joseph: Akiva at School
barrrry joseph: Akiva and Emily in their pirate play
barrrry joseph: Fall's Coming
barrrry joseph: Gryphon's Bday
barrrry joseph: Gryphon's Bday
barrrry joseph: Akiva and Grandpa playing Pong atthe Museum of the Moving Image
barrrry joseph: With Debby at the Museum of the Moving Image
barrrry joseph: At the Museum of the Moving Image
barrrry joseph: Akiva taking family shabbat photos for hebrew school
barrrry joseph: Debby's birthday
barrrry joseph: Akiva upside down
barrrry joseph: The Macy's Day Parade
barrrry joseph: Thanksgiving Day Parade
barrrry joseph: Thanksgiving on Long Island
barrrry joseph: Thanksgiving on Long Island
barrrry joseph: Thanksgiving on Long Island
barrrry joseph: Thanksgiving on Long Island
barrrry joseph: Thanksgiving on Long Island
barrrry joseph: Thanksgiving on Long Island