barrrry joseph:
Ronny's Seltzer Truck
barrrry joseph:
Ronny's Seltzer Truck
barrrry joseph:
Ronny's Seltzer Truck
barrrry joseph:
Ronny's Seltzer Truck
barrrry joseph:
Filled bottles for Eli to load from Gomberg's
barrrry joseph:
Filled bottles for Eli to load from Gomberg's
barrrry joseph:
Filled bottles for Eli to load from Gomberg's
barrrry joseph:
Out with the empties, in the with the filled
barrrry joseph:
All of the filled bottles are marked for their owners
barrrry joseph:
Walter's bottles
barrrry joseph:
Testing a bottle with a loose top
barrrry joseph:
Eli proud of his book
barrrry joseph:
Eli and
barrrry joseph:
Reviewing today's route
barrrry joseph:
Today's route
barrrry joseph:
Eli lifting the cases to go into the car
barrrry joseph:
Filled bottles ready to be delivered
barrrry joseph:
Filled bottles ready to be delivered
barrrry joseph:
Cleaning and filling the bottles at Gomberg's
barrrry joseph:
Cleaning and filling the bottles at Gomberg's
barrrry joseph:
Would you know you just drive past a seltzer delivery man on the job?
barrrry joseph:
Eli's car
barrrry joseph:
First stop. Are you home?
barrrry joseph:
First stop - knocking on the window
barrrry joseph:
First stop - "Not there. Let's go"
barrrry joseph:
Heading off to the second stop
barrrry joseph:
Keeping records outside the second stop
barrrry joseph:
Me and the bottles
barrrry joseph:
Eli showing his book to the staff at the second stop
barrrry joseph:
Leaving a difficult drop off