barrycooper242: "Wolf Moon" - New Year's day 2018 - (week 1)
barrycooper242: Robin at the feeder (week 2 of 52)
barrycooper242: Snowdrops in the Churchyard (week 3 of 52)
barrycooper242: Peeling bark (week 4 of 52)
barrycooper242: Kite caught in a tree (week 6 of 52)
barrycooper242: The Lost Ball (week 8 of 52)
barrycooper242: Snowy furrows (week 9 of 52)
barrycooper242: Hatton Locks #12 (week 5 of 52)
barrycooper242: Yellow Hydrant (week 13 of 52)
barrycooper242: Baubles (week 14 of 52)
barrycooper242: Bee on Flower - Macro (week 22 of 52)
barrycooper242: Bowls! (week 26 of 52)
barrycooper242: Old plough (week 23 of 52)
barrycooper242: Gargoyle (week 24 of 52)
barrycooper242: Slow rapids (Colour) - week 34 of 52
barrycooper242: Graduation Day (week 36 of 52)
barrycooper242: Cipher Wheels (week 33 of 52)
barrycooper242: Low-hanging fruit (week 37 of 52)
barrycooper242: Heron (week 38 of 52)
barrycooper242: Last of the summer evening skies (week 39 of 52)