Prof Shorthair: colourful kit
Prof Shorthair: stripes
Prof Shorthair: ladder
Prof Shorthair: machinery
Prof Shorthair: light ellipses
Prof Shorthair: seats in the sun
Prof Shorthair: catching the rescue boat
Prof Shorthair: launching the rescue craft
Prof Shorthair: more paint
Prof Shorthair: paint accumulation
Prof Shorthair: blue doors
Prof Shorthair: round church, Bowmore
Prof Shorthair: in support of the church
Prof Shorthair: shadow
Prof Shorthair: rope haven
Prof Shorthair: old distillery buildings Bowmore
Prof Shorthair: doggy grave
Prof Shorthair: kildalton cross
Prof Shorthair: upright knight in Kildalton church
Prof Shorthair: knights at rest
Prof Shorthair: tubes and shells
Prof Shorthair: scallop shells
Prof Shorthair: long time no work
Prof Shorthair: gold in the rocks
Prof Shorthair: 2 good, 1 bad
Prof Shorthair: peaty water
Prof Shorthair: monbretia alley
Prof Shorthair: open - close