Baron Photo: The Sawwhet Owl
Baron Photo: Comstock Bridge Over Salmon River
Baron Photo: Pumpkins in the Palm
Baron Photo: Glacial Potholes at Sheburne Falls
Baron Photo: Planetary Illusion
Baron Photo: planetary collisions
Baron Photo: floating orb
Baron Photo: pastels
Baron Photo: portrait of a sunflower
Baron Photo: blades of grass against sunflower field
Baron Photo: sunrise
Baron Photo: good morning
Baron Photo: KAYAKS
Baron Photo: lobster pot markers
Baron Photo: the wheel
Baron Photo: headdress
Baron Photo: hot air
Baron Photo: Looking up at balloon
Baron Photo: inside of balloon
Baron Photo: center of balloon
Baron Photo: balloon in flight
Baron Photo: kalidescope
Baron Photo: black light experiment
Baron Photo: table of ties
Baron Photo: stack of crates
Baron Photo: Track One
Baron Photo: dog-agility-04182009-photo5
Baron Photo: dog-agility-04182009-photo3
Baron Photo: dog-agility-04182009-photo2
Baron Photo: dog-agility