Barry M Schwartz: View from our window-2
Barry M Schwartz: Side entrance to La Fonda Hoteldit-Edit-2
Barry M Schwartz: Lobby of the Eldorado Hotel
Barry M Schwartz: View from our window -1
Barry M Schwartz: Icey streets and Holiday Cheer across from the Plaza
Barry M Schwartz: A Christms Story
Barry M Schwartz: A quiet, cold night on the Santa Fe Plaza
Barry M Schwartz: Santa Fe Plaza from the Gazebo
Barry M Schwartz: The Eldorado Lobby
Barry M Schwartz: reflection in baby grand piano
Barry M Schwartz: Christmas Past
Barry M Schwartz: Rabbi Lighting the Menroah
Barry M Schwartz: La Fonda with Luminarias
Barry M Schwartz: Santa Fe Christmas Style